Monday, January 2, 2012

Mini update

(photo courtesy of Krrb)

Just wanted to share a little update on some of the products and recipes.  I've been using both the dishwasher soap and laundry soap for about three weeks now.  We love the laundry soap.  It works out to about 1 cent per load...super cheap...and works.  Clothes go in dirty and come out clean.  Can't ask for more than that.

We're not as happy with the dishwasher soap.  The LemiShine and vinegar are both supposed to prevent the milky build up on the dishes...and they don't.  Glasses come out streaked and dull.  The silverware is streaky and often still has residue on it.  I've spent a lot of time hand washing.  So...I tossed what was left and went back to the store bought stuff...for now.  I'm going to scout around for another recipe and see if we can't do better.

The skin care recipes have all been wonderful.  I love the cocoa powder mask and we all use it.  The lemon scrub with sea salt is great for feet and hands...and I've been substituting sugar for the sea salt and using it on my face. 

In other news...Cait and I took the raised vegetable beds apart this weekend and made a large compost bin.  I have to say...we rocked it.  We even recycled the screws and reused them.  The only down's super cold right now!  We're having our first little taste of winter so I'm huddled in the's supposed to warm back up Thursday so we'll start building the compost and get the bin placed near the new garden plot. 

Hope you're all having a great new year so far!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Ten days ago we made the decision to avoid the 'big box stores'.  We (and by we I mean I told the rest of the family this was the plan and to get on board) swore to never again enter any store belonging to the corporate world.

It ain't easy.  It's not impossible...but it's also not easy.  It requires a real commitment.  I have to think a bit harder about what I want vs. what I need...and since I live in a small town near a big town...I plan my purchases a little better...basically because I'm lazy and don't want to drive down town five times a week.

We've specifically boycotted Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowe's and...the mall.  For now...we're still shopping at Ross, Rugged Warehouse, and a local grocery store.  I'll be honest...I haven't investigated Ross.  For all I know it's owned by some corporate giant and every penny I spend is perpetuating the 1% problem.  But...we're taking baby steps here.  We've also decided in cases where we have to choose between spending a lot less money...and avoiding the corporate world...we're gonna save money.  In other words...I'm still shopping at the Dollar Store. 

As part of our 'get back to basics' mentality I've started using more whole foods and fewer processed foods.  I started making honey mustard.  It requires honey...duh.  I looked for it this past weekend when I bought groceries and the 10 oz bottle was $4.50.  The same bottle was $1 at the Dollar Store (imagine that)  so I bought six. 

For now...I'm allowing a lot of leniency in our endeavors.  As we move forward and I learn more about local businesses, we'll change things. 

On a side note...I kinda love this.  There's a richness to my day that didn't exist before.  I feel a greater sense of accomplishment when I serve pasta, knowing I not only used veggies from my garden but I made the sauce myself...and did NOT simply open a jar of Ragu.  I've also started spending more time at the library.  It's unfortunate that most of us simply don't have the basic skills to exist without corporate America at our fingertips.  So...I pillage the library shelves almost daily looking for books to help.  Today I picked up two books on canning and preserving food.  Yay!

OK-the accountability....
Starting today...November 1...I'm going to keep a running total of our expenses.  Every receipt will be saved and the month's total will be posted Dec. 1.  The point is to show myself, and you, just how much of an impact one little family can have. doesn't seem like we impact corporate America...but when you see the total at the end of the month....and then again at the end of the year...I think we'll see just how impactful each family can be.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Very Common Sense

I've been trying to start this blog for a long time...lots of failed attempts and false starts.  I always seem to get distracted.  For the last few weeks I"ve been whole heartedly distracted with the Occupy Movement.  There are so very many things fundamentally wrong with our country...

However....the last few days I was growing more frustrated with the movement.  I support them in all of the endeavors...but I"m basically a believer in the "if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" philosophy.  They've been protesting for several weeks and they're garnering more media attention by the day...and shedding light on specific problems.  BUT...they're not offering solutions.  Without viable solutions...we have no end game. 

So...I've decided to take a more subtle approach. I figures if each and every home in America makes a few reasonable changes...they can effect HUGE change across the board.  So...with my family protesting the whole way...I'm changing the way we do things around here.

Don't misunderstand....I'm not suggesting we all wear prairie skirts and haul water from the nearest creek.  I would pretty much suck at that.  I'm suggesting we get to know our local community local and keep our money in the community we live in and out of the corporate pockets.  I have no delusions of gradeur...Walmart won't even notice I"ve quit schlepping up there 5 times a week.  But if I can do can do it...and if we all do it...Walmart WILL notice.

There are more changes coming...MANY more.  But I don't want to overwhelm you.  Just remember...every decision you make...ever dollar you has an impact.  You get to decide who it impacts and how it impacts your family and your community.